Forget Siri – Use ChatGPT Voice Via iPhone 15 Button Trick

chatgpt voice on iphone

ChatGPT’s new voice feature allows users to have natural conversations with the AI assistant by speaking questions and commands out loud. Originally part Sam Altman Returns as OpenAI CEO After Employee Ultimatumof the paid ChatGPT+ subscription, OpenAI made ChatGPT Voice access free for all users on February 15, 2023.

On the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max models, Apple introduced an Action Button that can be configured to launch shortcuts and tasks via a simple press-and-hold. By creating a shortcut to trigger ChatGPT’s voice feature, you can use this button to instantly start a voice conversation with the AI assistant.

While Siri has improved over the years, it still lacks capabilities compared to ChatGPT. By using the Action Button shortcut, you can conveniently access ChatGPT’s more advanced voice features to handle a wider variety of voice commands and questions. The AI assistant provides significantly smarter responses across many use cases, from math to coding queries.

Beyond accessing ChatGPT Voice, the Action Button on new iPhone models can also be configured to launch the camera, flashlight, voice memos, and many other system apps and shortcuts. Third-party apps like music services, fitness trackers, productivity tools, and more also support custom Action Button functionality for quick access to common features.

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