Instagram Stories Swipe-Up will be No More

Instagram Stories Swipe-Up will be No More

Instagram is poised to implement a change that will eliminate the swipe-up feature in stories on the popular photo and short video platform. Instead, tappable link stickers will appear, which will take viewers to external websites.

The adjustments will take effect on August 30th, 2021. Account-holders can actually format the stickers to their liking, rather than having to choose from one of the existing swipe up GIFSs, according to the company, which made the decision to switch from swipe ups to stickers to “streamline the stories creation experience” and offer more “creative control” due to the fact that account holders can actually format the stickers to their liking, rather than having to choose from one of the existing swipe up GIFSs.

The sticker function was first tested in June with a small group of users, according to News Report, but will be rolled out more widely by the end of August.

Previously, verified users or those with over 10,000 followers could add the swipe-up link to their stories to direct viewers to a separate website where they could read an article, shop for a product, download a song, or do anything else the account holder was marketing. The stickers function will now be available to these same people, however, there are reports that the move will affect everyone.

According to the News Media report, in addition to creative flexibility, other benefits of the new launch include the ability to flip between different styles, resize the sticker, and place it wherever on the story for optimal participation – similar to how polls, questions, and geotags may be placed.

Viewers will now be able to respond and reply to posts with the Link Sticker attached in the same way they would to any other story – an option that was previously unavailable on posts with the swipe-up link.

Instagram has stated that it is considering granting Link Sticker access to more accounts in the future, which could aid fledgling influencers in fast-growing their businesses and provide journalists with less than 10,000 followers with a more convenient way to share their work.

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